1inch swaps will now be available directly in MEW users’ wallets.
As we aim to offer our users more diverse options for crypto swapping and staking, also improving their experience, we are happy to announce an integration with MEW (MyEtherWallet), a well-known wallet and client interface for interaction with the Ethereum blockchain.
Wallet integrations are essential to 1inch as they enable users to take advantage of our services directly in their wallets. Meanwhile, with more than one million monthly users, MEW is one of the most popular Ethereum wallets in operation.
This integration will expand MEW’s functionality for swapping coins directly from within their wallets, adding more options.
Through MEW’s free and open-source interface, users can store, send and receive ETH and any other ERC-20 tokens. MEW is compatible with a range of mobile, browser, and hardware wallets including MetaMask, Ledger, Trezor, Trust wallet, Coinbase wallet and many others. Most importantly, users’ funds and keys stay in their possession at all times.
“1inch has built a DEX aggregator that embodies some of the best aspects of decentralization,” says Kosala Hemachandra, MyEtherWallet’s founder and CEO. “Working with them to make their platform more accessible to MEW users was an easy decision for us. DeFi is still in an experimental stage, and companies like 1inch are paving the way for greater adoption.”
The high traffic from MEW will increase 1inch’s market penetration and enhance its position as a leading DEX integrator.
“1inch aims to save users time and money by offering the best swap rates in the fastest possible time,” says Sergej Kunz, 1inch co-founder and CEO. “With the MEW integration, they will have more options for swapping tokens directly in their wallets, as coin offerings will substantially expand.”
“This partnership with MyEtherWallet, a long-established player in the crypto space, comes as a validation of 1inch’s rapid growth and product development,” he adds.
We expect this integration to substantially increase our trading volume, while, at the same time, opening access to 1inch services to a large number of MEW customers.
About MEW
MEW is a nexus point for transacting in the Ethereum ecosystem, providing unprecedented access, a secure wallet, multi-faceted integration possibilities, and comprehensive education that allows anyone to quickly take advantage of all the benefits crypto finance has to offer.
For five years, MEW has been the leading wallet interface, providing to anyone free, open source, and secure access to the Ethereum blockchain. Today, MEW is an access point for the entire Ethereum ecosystem.
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