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Startup Founder and Fund Manager George Cotsikis On Leveraging Macro Data To Predict Crypto Trends — Set Social Trader Spotlight | by Abhishek Punia | Set Labs

Hi George, nice to have you. You’ve had quite a long and illustrious career from high level positions at banks, to starting companies, to running hedge funds. Can you give us an intro of yourself and what you do?

I read the Nakamoto paper very early and I have to say I underestimated the potential implications initially. I experimented early on with crypto but only really started trading round 2016. Crypto is an amazing risk asset, nicely volatile but with liquidity challenges. Since 2016 I gradually increased my trading in digital assets from initially 10% of my accounts to now almost 50%. Running money is primarily an exercise in risk management but also understanding and developing a certain system of investment “faith” that fits one’s personality and capital base.

Can you go into more detail about your Set, its strategy, and any backtest data?

My system is a quantmental approach (quant+fundamental) where I look at the statistical properties of price data and alternative data from both the crypto universe, and the wider investable universe of fiat priced assets. Despite earlier uncorrelated behavior, currently both BTC and ETH trade as risk assets with a high cointegration to equities. That means my toolkit of macro indicators is becoming more relevant than ever to trading the top crypto assets. The quant price signals are risk weighted inversely by a proprietary entropy based risk engine. At that point I use discretion to look for potential gap risk or other fundamental factors that may affect downside performance and decide on overall system exposure from 0% to 100%. So the quant model may indicate 80% long but I may trim that to 40% based on my assessment of market risk.

As such the backtests are not fully relevant to the set but I may actually publish them at a later stage to engage in discussion with the community and possibly create a fully automated set.

How has working at the bleeding edge of big data and AI affected your trading strategy?

I have found AI approaches to be super useful at a higher level than model creation, primarily in detecting model failure, regime identification, and the creation of meta-strategies (strategies of strategies).

What has been the hardest part about transitioning between managing a traditional fund and trading crypto?

Where can people find you online?

Telegram : @moonshot

LinkedIn :

TradingView :

Blog :

Anything else you’d like to tell us or your potential followers?

Another point to make is that backtests are often flawed and almost never as good as the live trading. Without expanding on this, I would urge investors to be rather cautious when looking at nice backtested charts and evaluate the strategy thesis at a deeper level if possible.

It is still early days for digital assets; take the opportunity to be invested wisely via managed strategies!

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