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DMM Completes Yield Farming Smart Contract Audit by CertiK | by Corey Caplan | DMM DAO | Nov, 2020

Since the creation and launch of our Yield Farming program, which encourages users to lock up DMM mTokens and earn DMG rewards, we have seen a lot of interest in the new feature. At the time of writing, there is about $1.8mm worth of value locked in the contracts. To provide stronger confidence in the protocol’s security, we engaged with CertiK to complete an audit of the protocol’s smart contracts. Overall their findings were positive, with no critical vulnerabilities found in the business logic or code design.

The DMM team sees this as a strong step forward in being able to further use the yield farming protocol as a fair distribution mechanism for DMG, aligning ecosystem participants in growing the ecosystem with receiving DMG. We look forward to adding our next LP token to the protocol in the form of the DMG-ETH pair on Uniswap. This pair our largest traded pair in the DeFi space and is a strong venue for DeFi users to get access to DMG. We will separately announce its addition to the yield farming protocol soon, via our social channels.

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