The last couple of weeks have been busy for us as we released number of updates, our tech roadmap for 2021, and recently announced one month to our vBZRX six-month cliff.
This week, we are excited to host the governance call for you as we have some significant new updates to discuss. The call will happen on Friday, December 18, 2020, at 9 am PST/12 pm EST (17:00 UTC)
This community call will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube for you to watch at your own convenience. You can check the previous community call here. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified as we make the calls live.
If you’re working on something relevant to the bZx ecosystem, please reach out.
We would love to have you speak on how you’re contributing to the ecosystem.
Join us on Zoom this Friday!
Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord to be notified of upcoming calls.