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This post is another entry in our regular series in which we fill you in on all the front-end updates that Core Contributors have made across the dApps and website recently. This post represents some of the key additions made since November 2020’s Bornite product release.
Debt tracking on Staking

You can now track what your staking debt (in sUSD) has looked like over time in the DEBT tab. It allows your to view both your issued debt (i.e. only how much sUSD you have minted/burned) and your actual debt (i.e. including debt fluctuations affected by open Synth positions).
L2 Mintr

As part of the transition to Optimistic Ethereum’s Layer 2 solution, we launched a L2 version of Mintr, our now-deprecated staking dApp. It allows people who have migrated to L2 to stake their SNX, mint or burn sUSD, claim staking rewards, and withdraw back to Layer 1.
Earning options on Staking

As more incentives have been added across the Synthetix ecosystem, the EARN tab (and the homepage) have never been more lucrative, complete with current APY estimates!
Other updates
- Link on Kwenta to out-of-market-hours trading on Balancer for sTSLA
- Minor updates to Stats to improve text clarity and fix CSS issues
- Fixed some errors in the staking calculations on Staking and added bar charts
Thanks for checking out what the front-end Core Contributors have accomplished recently. If you’ve got any front-end requests or feedback about this series, please come join the conversation in Discord.