The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO Risk Domain Team. The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to these polls on the voting portal.
The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, April 26 at 16:00 UTC.
This is a binary vote.
- You may vote for a single option.
- You should vote for the option which you prefer.
- If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.
This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding ETH-A to the Liquidations 2.0 Framework in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:
Auction Price
Please review the following Risk Evaluation containing information about ETH-A to inform your position before voting.
If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:
- ETH-A will be added to the Liquidations 2.0 System by a future executive vote as the Smart Contracts Team schedule allows.
- It is expected that this executive vote will take place within 30 days of this poll passing, absent external factors.
- If the executive vote passes, then these changes will become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired.
If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.
The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, April 26 at 16:00 UTC.
This is a binary vote.
- You may vote for a single option.
- You should vote for the option which you prefer.
- If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.
This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding ETH-B to the Liquidations 2.0 Framework in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:
Auction Price
Please review the following Risk Evaluation containing information about ETH-B to inform your position before voting.
If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:
- ETH-B will be added to the Liquidations 2.0 System by a future executive vote as the Smart Contracts Team schedule allows.
- It is expected that this executive vote will take place within 30 days of this poll passing, absent external factors.
- If the executive vote passes, then these changes will become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired.
If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.
The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, April 26 at 16:00 UTC.
This is a binary vote.
- You may vote for a single option.
- You should vote for the option which you prefer.
- If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.
This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding ETH-C to the Liquidations 2.0 Framework in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:
Auction Price
Please review the following Risk Evaluation containing information about ETH-C to inform your position before voting.
If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:
- ETH-C will be added to the Liquidations 2.0 System by a future executive vote as the Smart Contracts Team schedule allows.
- It is expected that this executive vote will take place within 30 days of this poll passing, absent external factors.
- If the executive vote passes, then these changes will become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired.
If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.
The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, April 26 at 16:00 UTC.
This is a binary vote.
- You may vote for a single option.
- You should vote for the option which you prefer.
- If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.
This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding WBTC-A to the Liquidations 2.0 Framework in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:
Auction Price
Please review the following Risk Evaluation containing information about WBTC-A to inform your position before voting.
If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:
- WBTC-A will be added to the Liquidations 2.0 System by a future executive vote as the Smart Contracts Team schedule allows.
- It is expected that this executive vote will take place within 30 days of this poll passing, absent external factors.
- If the executive vote passes, then these changes will become active in the Maker Protocol after the GSM Pause Delay has expired.
If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.
For more information on parameter effects, consider viewing the Gauntlet Audit of the Liquidations 2.0 System.
If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.
Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.
To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.
To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.