We have listed ALPHA on the C.R.E.A.M. Ethereum platform. Users can now supply and borrow ALPHA at app.cream.finance.
Proposal from C.R.E.A.M. DAO has passed. Please see the discussion here.
41.7k CREAM voted for ‘FOR’
153.41 CREAM voted for ‘AGAINST’
CREAM token holders voted in favor of adding a ALPHA market on C.R.E.A.M., with 41.7k yes votes. Collateral factor for ALPHA is 0%, meaning users can deposit ALPHA but cannot use ALPHA as collateral to borrow other assets until the collateral ratio is increased through a governance vote.
Creating a ALPHA market allows token holders to stay long on ALPHA while getting leverage on the asset itself, once a collateral ratio greater than 0 is voted in. For those who want to short ALPHA, this allows a capital efficient way to do so.
Crypto Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M.
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