We’re excited to have hosted yet another great governance call this past week. Below is an overview of what was discussed on the call in case you missed it. YouTube Community Call #18
- bZx Yield Farming Pools launched on BSC
- Multichain focus, to enable easy cross chain
- B Protocol, increasing leverage on eth pairs.
- Sushiswap Onsen
- Roman: Zapper/Zerion contract displaying staked bzrx, itokens and Fulcrum positions.
- Eugen: deployed subgraph project. Using those results to calculate staking apy. Staking calculator to be ready soon.
- Eugen/Roman: Testing masterchef contract
- Rodion, Kevin: worked on a farming site. Redesign work continues underground.
- Roman: Plans: separate iToken page on zerion. Display proper iToken price. Talked to Zapper they plan to add iTokens too. We’re discussion whether we can display torque and fulcrum positions.
- Stablecoin collateral risk parameters
- Why are solution is better than Kashi / Bentobox
- Isolated pairs, plus each pair could have different oracles
- if you stake to a pair you get 50% of the trading fees
- Guest: Samuel K. from BSC.
This community call will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube for you to watch at your own convenience. You can check the previous community call here. Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified as we make the calls live.
If you’re working on something relevant to the bZx ecosystem, please reach out.
We would love to have you speak on how you’re contributing to the ecosystem.
Join us on Zoom this Friday.
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