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Fund Manager, and former eToro Managing Director, Georgii Verbitskii starts BTC Fund Active Trading Set — Set Social Trader Spotlight | by Abhishek Punia | Set Labs

Hi Georgii, nice to have you. You’ve had a really finance heavy career, ranging from working in cutting edge financial technology, to fund management. Can you give us an intro of yourself and what you do?

Can you go into more detail about that Set, its strategy, and any backtesting data?

Out of all the fields in finance that you have worked in, what do you find most interesting or unique about cryptocurrencies?

Putin has appeared several times on the news speaking very intelligently about crypto. What is the general Russian sentiment towards crypto and how is the market there behaving?

Where can people find you online?

Anything else you’d like to tell us or your potential followers?

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About the Author: admin

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