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Governance Polls: Ratifications

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. These Governance Polls will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, August 9 at 16:00 UTC.

Ratification Poll for Declaration of Intent – Onboarding a new collateral type backed by B.Protocol v2 (MIP13c3-SP11)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, August 9 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community may vote in this poll to express support or opposition to MIP13c3-SP11 being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

MIP13c3-SP11 is the Declaration of Intent to experiment a native integration with B.Protocol’s V2. Namely, to on-board a new collateral that gives a priority in liquidations to B.Protocol.

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed 10,000 MKR, then the following actions will be taken:

  • The MIP Editors will mark the proposal Accepted and the Governance Facilitators will confirm its passage on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, August 26.
  • Any further work required to implement the proposal will be tasked to the relevant Core Units.

Otherwise, this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for DAI Foundation Core Unit, DAIF-001

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, August 9 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community may vote in this poll to express support or opposition to DAI Foundation Core Unit (DAIF-001) being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

Core Unit DAIF-001: Dai Foundation (MIP39c2-SP17)

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

This proposal is for the DAIF Core Unit to be the vehicle that enables the practical implementation of the critical services that Dai Foundation provides to MakerDAO. The Core unit will request the necessary budget from MakerDAO Governance to sustain its operations and adequately mitigate the related legal risks to its essential role. The services of Dai Foundation are to provide safe haven and protect Maker IP including the DAI and MAKER trademarks (for example, what if somebody launches a DAI token on another chain?), set terms for use of Maker Assets that enables Maker Governance to appoint managers of those assets and to react to edge cases like for example a malicious fork according to principles that will be developed in close collaboration with the Maker community.

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

Modify Dai Foundation Core Unit Budget (MIP40c3-SP24)

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

This proposal contains a three year budget for the DAIF CU with requested funding and payment implementation.

  • The first year the requested funding is 1,554,358 DAI which includes 1 Million DAI for reserves buildup
  • The second year it is 2,463,186 DAI including 2 Million DAI for reserves buildup meaning the operational expenses are reduced by 16% compared to year 1.
  • The third year the requested funding is 463,186 DAI solely for operational expenses and that is a reduction of 20% compared to the budgeted operational expenses in year 1.

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.

Facilitator Onboarding for the Dai Foundation (MIP41c4-SP18)

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

MIP41c4-SP18 onboards Søren Peter Nielsen as Facilitator for the Dai Foundation Core Unit.

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed 10,000 MKR, then the following actions will be taken:

  • The MIP Editors will mark these proposals Accepted and the Governance Facilitators will confirm their passage on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, August 26.
  • Any further work required to implement these proposals will be tasked to the relevant Core Units.

Otherwise, this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for Growth Core Unit MKR Budget, GRO-001 (MIP40c3-SP23)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, August 9 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community may vote in this poll to express support or opposition to MIP40c3-SP23 being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

A brief summary of this proposal has been provided by the MIP Author and is shown below:

This proposal contains:

  • Total MKR Expenditure Cap
  • The evaluation process to define the total team MKR per year.
  • Estimated MKR Expenditure
  • Payment Implementation

Our proposal took elements from the others presented before, and we added an achievement metric that modifies the total team MKR per year. This is a 3-year vesting plan with a 1-year cliff vest.

Please review the links below to inform your position on this proposal before voting.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed 10,000 MKR, then the following actions will be taken:

  • The MIP Editors will mark the proposal Accepted and the Governance Facilitators will confirm its passage on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, August 26.
  • Any further work required to implement the proposal will be tasked to the relevant Core Units.

Otherwise, this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.


MIP51: Monthly Governance Cycle describes this type of poll and its position and significance within the rest of the governance cycle.

If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.

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About the Author: admin

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