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Introducing DeFi Pulse Data – An All-In-One Solution Combining Industry-Leading APIs

Growing the decentralized finance ecosystem requires a community that’s versatile and creative, able to forecast the next trends, identify opportunities, and find new users. 

At Concourse Open, we build tools that everyone can use, lowering the barriers of entry to a bare minimum. Our goal is to attract new users to the ecosystem by giving them access to the best options and information to leverage the products and services that are already live. This has cemented our place in the community and given us volumes of data about the wider ecosystem. Now we would like to offer access to that data to everyone in a fair way that both benefits customers and our builders’ community. 

blankWhat we provide

DeFi Pulse Data offers a dashboard allowing access to the data from services such as ETHGasStation,, and of course DeFi Pulse. It’s a simple, all-in-one subscription where you can use the data from the API you need, easily download in CSV, or observe in the dashboard. 

We’ve prepared packages – including a free trial – with prices that anyone can access. We also offer custom enterprise solutions where we can help you find a suitable option that caters to your needs and fits your budget. 

Why you need DeFi Pulse Data

Concourse Open operates many services (including ETHGasStation, DeFi Pulse, Rekto, etc) which thousands of users, websites, and applications rely upon everyday to understand the decentralized ecosystem. Most notably, Ethereum gas price data provided ETH Gas Station’s API has become essential for decentralized application (DApp) developers.

Leveraging our comprehensive datasets allows you and your team to work smarter, not harder. Whether your application needs the latest gas prices or you want to analyze trends in decentralized finance, DeFi Pulse Data has ample data from across the ecosystem to help you make informed decisions.

Independent researchers, developers, marketers, companies, consultants, journalists – everyone needs data to produce content, design new applications, and build successful business models. DeFi Pulse Data combines our APIs providing you with the reliable and comprehensive data you need.

Upcoming changes to ETHGasStation’s API

We realize that many projects, products, and applications have been built using ETHGasStation’s API. And so, the EGS API will remain free to use but will require the use of an API key generated on DeFi Pulse Data. We hope that this will give developers the time necessary to prepare their applications accordingly to avoid downtime as the old endpoints will soon be shut down. Please reach out to us if you run into any trouble during this transition period.

Who can use DeFi Pulse Data? 

The short answer is: “everyone looking to grow and accelerate their projects’ goals, no matter what the project is.”

Through our platform, companies will be able to build and analyze datasets for project decision support, market describing, sizing and segmentation, product-market-fit discovery and more. 

Researchers will find comprehensive data allowing them to leverage market metrics, user activity, and other important factors to better understand the nascent industry of decentralized finance. 

Most importantly, data helps us as a community, generating insights that are crucial for new users to understand the value created and value harnessed in Ethereum – and that can be easily propagated by media, conferences, word of mouth or public and private forums. 

DeFi Pulse Data is also perfect for large companies looking to expand their portfolio towards blockchain technologies and decentralized finance.

In conclusion, just take a look through our Free Trial and see for yourself. Find your own opportunities and the best way to leverage what we provide. And most of all, let’s keep on growing the ecosystem together!

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About the Author: admin

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