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Daily Defi News from Across the Web

Onboarding Polls, Parameter Polls, and more

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors.

Add SLP-YFI-ETH as a new Vault Type

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding SLP-YFI-ETH (Sushiswap YFI-ETH LP Token) as a new vault type in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:

Initial Collateral Parameters

SushiJoin Adapter

This vault type will use the SushiJoin Adapter which will allow users to receive any Sushiswap farming rewards that are available for their SLP-YFI-ETH tokens through the MasterChefV2 contract.

Please review the following links containing information about CropJoin to inform your position before voting.

Liquidation 2.0 Parameters



Please review the following forum threads containing information about SLP-YFI-ETH (Sushiswap YFI-ETH LP Token) to inform your position before voting.


If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.

Add SLP-AAVE-ETH as a new Vault Type

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding SLP-AAVE-ETH (Sushiswap AAVE-ETH LP Token) as a new vault type in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:

Initial Collateral Parameters

SushiJoin Adapter

This vault type will use the SushiJoin Adapter which will allow users to receive any Sushiswap farming rewards that are available for their SLP-AAVE-ETH tokens through the MasterChefV2 contract.

Please review the following links containing information about CropJoin to inform your position before voting.

Liquidation 2.0 Parameters



Please review the following forum threads containing information about SLP-AAVE-ETH (Sushiswap AAVE-ETH LP Token) to inform your position before voting.


If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.

Add SLP-ETH-LINK as a new Vault Type

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO mandated actors. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


This poll allows the MakerDAO governance community to signal their support or opposition to adding SLP-ETH-LINK (Sushiswap ETH-LINK LP Token) as a new vault type in the Maker Protocol with the parameters below:

Initial Collateral Parameters

SushiJoin Adapter

This vault type will use the SushiJoin Adapter which will allow users to receive any Sushiswap farming rewards that are available for their SLP-ETH-LINK tokens through the MasterChefV2 contract.

Please review the following links containing information about CropJoin to inform your position before voting.

Liquidation 2.0 Parameters



Please review the following forum threads containing information about SLP-ETH-LINK (Sushiswap ETH-LINK LP Token) to inform your position before voting.


If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.

Increase the Dust Parameter

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO community. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to modifying the Debt Floor (dust) parameter for most vault types:

  • Increase the Debt Floor from 5,000 DAI to 10,000 DAI for most vault types.
  • PSM-USDC-A, ETH-B, and ETH-C vault-types will be excluded from this change.

Please review the discussion thread to help inform your position before voting.


If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.

Increase the Dust Parameter for ETH-B Vault Type

The Governance Facilitators have placed a Governance Poll into the voting system on behalf of the MakerDAO community. This Governance Poll will be active for three days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to modifying the Debt Floor (also known as Dust) parameter for the ETH-B vault type:

  • Increase the Dust Parameter from 15,000 DAI to 30,000 DAI for the ETH-B vault type.

Please review the discussion thread to help inform your position before voting.


If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the ‘No’ option equal or exceed the votes for the ‘Yes’ option then no further action will be taken at this time.

Ratification Poll for DssVest (MIP54)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to this proposal being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

The proposal in its entirety can be found here. The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

DssVest is a module that automates token vesting once the vesting plan has been approved by Governance.

Paragraph Summary

This module allows scheduling, cliff vesting, specification of vesting period as well as third-party revocation. The plan variables must be specified by the party submitting their proposal to Governance. Once the vesting cliff has been reached it puts the user in control of redeeming their tokens without any third-party interaction. DssVest also supports a number of vesting variants, including; minting MKR, minting DAI via vat.suck as well as paying out pre-deposited tokens.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this proposal before voting. It was also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of this proposal, then this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for Oracles Core Unit (ORA-001) Subproposal Set

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to these proposals being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

This Inclusion Poll Subproposal Set contains the following MIPs:

The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

Add an Oracles Core Unit to handle all of the Oracle needs of the Maker Protocol and build out an Oracle business.

Paragraph Summary

The Oracle Core Unit (OCU) is responsible for developing and administrating the Oracle Protocol. Oracles are a critical component of securing the Maker Protocol to ensure positions are sufficiently collateralized. The OCU is essential to ensure the Oracles can adapt rapidly to scale the Maker Protocol in a responsible manner. A key focus of the OCU is to monetize the Oracle Protocol and build out a business around it. This enables the DAO to subsidize its own Oracle expenditures, and ultimately turn Oracles from a cost-center into a profit-generating arm of MakerDAO. Real World Assets (RWA) in particular, are a highly promising vertical the business side of the Oracle is targeting.

Please review the linked discussion threads to inform your position on these proposals before voting. They were also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of these proposals, then these proposals will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for GovAlpha Facilitator Onboarding (MIP41c4-SP12)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to this proposal being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

The proposal in its entirety can be found here. The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

@prose11 application to be onboarded as a facilitator for the GovAlpha (GOV-001) Core Unit.

Paragraph Summary

Payton Rose (@prose11) submits his application for Governance Facilitator of the GovAlpha (Gov-001) Core Unit. @prose11 commits to upholding the mandate of GovAlpha through the application of three key governing principles: accessibility, neutrality, and transparency.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this proposal before voting. It was also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of this proposal, then this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for Modify Core Unit Budget, RWF-001 (MIP40c3-SP11)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to this proposal being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

The proposal in its entirety can be found here. The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

MIP40c3-SP12 supersedes the budget for the Real-World Finance Core Unit defined in MIP40c3-SP1.

Paragraph Summary

With MIP40c3-SP1 the Real-World Finance team was able to onboard the first Real-World Asset and provide some financials for MakerDAO. Nevertheless, as no Legal Core Unit is expected in the short term, we need to increase the budget for legal expenses. We also need to solidify the data analytics part, which is currently limited, to integrate MakerDAO and RWA data to provide transparency and insights to stakeholders.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this proposal before voting. It was also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of this proposal, then this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for Modify Core Unit Budget, RISK-001 (MIP40c3-SP13)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to this proposal being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

The proposal in its entirety can be found here. The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

MIP40c3-SP13 adds the budget for Core Unit RISK-001: Risk.

Paragraph Summary

MIP40c3-SP13 adds the budget for Core Unit RISK-001: Risk. The proposed quarterly budget for the Risk Core Unit is 546,000 DAI, which translates into 182,000 DAI per month.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this proposal before voting. It was also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of this proposal, then this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for GovAlpha Core Unit Budget, GOV-001 (MIP40c3-SP11)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to this proposal being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

The proposal in its entirety can be found here. The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

MIP40c3-SP11 adds the budget for Core Unit GOV-001: GovAlpha.

Paragraph Summary

MIP40c3-SP11 adds the budget for Core Unit GOV-001: GovAlpha. This budget proposal covers a total of 3 months (July, August, and September of 2021). It communicates three focuses for GovAlpha over the period: Delegation, Education, and Quality Assurance. GovAlpha is asking for a total of 520,000 DAI over 3 months – 370,000 DAI will cover operations while 150,000 DAI will remain in a GovAlpha administered multi-sig wallet to ensure emergency continuity.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this proposal before voting. It was also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option and at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of this proposal, then this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.

Ratification Poll for Sustainable Ecosystem Scaling Core Unit MKR Budget, SES-001 (MIP40c3-SP17)

The Governance Facilitators have placed a ratification poll into the voting system as part of the responsibilities defined in MIP51. This Governance Poll will be active for fourteen days beginning on Monday, June 14 at 16:00 UTC.

This is a binary vote.

  • You may vote for a single option.
  • You should vote for the option which you prefer.
  • If you would accept either option, you should vote ‘Abstain’.


The community can vote in this poll to express support or opposition to this proposal being accepted and implemented in the Maker Protocol.

The proposal in its entirety can be found here. The sentence summary and paragraph summary have been provided by the MIP author:

Sentence Summary

MIP40c3-SP17 adds the MKR Incentive Plan budget for Core Unit SES-001: Sustainable Ecosystem Scaling.

Paragraph Summary

MIP40c3-SP17 adds the MKR Incentive Plan budget for Core Unit SES-001: Sustainable Ecosystem Scaling. It contains:

  • Total MKR Expenditure Cap
  • Estimated MKR Expenditure (based on the current team)
  • Escrow Wallet mechanism

MKR incentives have been determined based on the Program discussed here. This is a 3-year vesting plan with 1-year cliff vest.

Please review the discussion thread to inform your position on this proposal before voting. It was also mentioned and possibly discussed on the Governance and Risk call on Thursday, June 10.


This poll implements a Minimum Positive Participation value. The Minimum Positive Participation is currently set to 10,000 MKR.

If the votes for the ‘Yes’ option exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option AND at least 10,000 MKR have voted in favor of this poll, then the following actions will be taken:

If the votes for the Yes’ option DO NOT exceed the votes for the ‘No’ option, OR less than 10,000 MKR vote in favor of this proposal, then this proposal will be marked as rejected per MIP51.


MIP51: Monthly Governance Cycle describes this type of poll and its position and significance within the rest of the governance cycle.

If you are new to voting in the Maker Protocol, please see the voting guide to learn how voting works, and this wallet setup guide to set up your wallet to vote.

Additional information about the Governance process can be found in the Governance section of the MakerDAO community portal.

To participate in future Governance calls, please join us every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.

To add current and upcoming votes to your calendar, please see the MakerDAO Public Events Calendar.

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About the Author: admin

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