Want to join Defi but don’t know how to start? Use C.R.E.A.M on Binance Smart Chain for cheaper gas fees and faster transaction speed.
For a limited period from 28 to 30 December 2020 UTC+8, new users of C.R.E.A.M. finance BSC can receive some BNB to cover gas fees.
Create a BSC Wallet First.
– For Metamask:
– For Trust wallet:
Now you have a BSC wallet, you can supply and borrow BEP20 crypto assets on C.R.E.A.M. at https://app.cream.finance
Get Some BEP20 Assets
You can go to Binance.com to deposit your assets and withdraw the assets out in BEP20 assets.
Supply Assets
1. Choose the BEP20 asset you want to supply